Email Marketing

Email Marketing Trends to Watch Out For in 2019

E mail Marketing

E mail Marketing

In December 2018, email marketing marked its 40th year in existence.

But despite the long presence in the digital marketing arena, the relevance of email marketing has never gone out of style. This marketing medium remained a popular and effective tool that expand audience reach, convert the audience to paying customers, and significantly increase ROI.

However, there is one thing that marketers should always take into consideration if they wish to continue harnessing the power of email marketing in 2019 — the constantly evolving trends that shape the medium.

Technological innovations and changes in customer behavior mean that your email marketing strategy should also evolve. So what are the email marketing trends that you should watch out for this year?

The Importance of Personalization

An infographic produced by Serpwatch cites email personalization as one of the ways to increase response rate by 100%. And it is true. Email marketing these days is more than just reaching out to current and prospective customers.

This can be done through genuine personalization. Simply adding the recipient’s name is not enough. A wealth of data from powerful marketing platforms made it possible for you to create specific content tailored to individuals’ preferences as seen in their past behavior. This type of personalization can increase your open rate.

The Impact of Mobile Technology

Mobile email is becoming increasingly common with the rise of mobile technology. In fact, a majority of users access emails through mobile devices. This shift from desktop and laptop computers to mobile devices means that marketers should optimize email marketing campaigns for mobile compatibility.

Poor formatting is one of the factors that contribute to low response rates. Users accessing emails on mobile will lose patience when presented with an email that displays incorrectly, from oversized images to confusing text break-ups. It is important for marketers to use a responsive email template that is mobile-friendly.

The Rise of Video Content

Aside from mobile technology, another trend that will shape email marketing in 2019 is the surge of video content. This particular content form is expected to represent a good chunk of online traffic by 2021.

Many internet users prefer to look for videos when researching for a particular product or service. They also tend to make up their mind and purchase readily when presented with video content.

The use of videos in email marketing campaigns can raise brand awareness, help to educate customers and, of course, increase conversions.

Email marketing is just one aspect of your digital marketing strategy. If you want to learn more about other digital marketing trends this 2019, check out the infographic here.