Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing: The Beginner’s Guide to SMS Marketing [Infographic]

SMS Marketing is Cost Effective

Air mail, email, social media, billboards – there are so many methods to get your message across. But none of the above are as efficient as text messaging! Businesses have adopted SMS marketing for communication with both internal employees and consumers. It is simple, quick and cost-effective.

Top reasons why business are now using SMS Marketing:

  • SMS text chats converts a $6-20 call to a chat that costs pennies per session
  • 77% of consumers with text messaging capabilities between the ages of 18-34 are likely to have a positive perception of a company that offers text capability
  • Nearly 70% of employees think their organization should use text messaging to communicate with employees

Starting your own SMS marketing campaign is easy!

Just use the Beginner’s guide to SMS marketing infographic below by Trumpia.