Direct Mail

Change Your Direct Mail

Since direct mail has been around for a long time it is easy to continue to do things the way they have always been done. Just because it is easy does not mean it is right. When you change your direct mail to reflect current technology, events and formats you increase its power.

So how do you evaluate your current direct mail?

  • Understand how you connect: Your connection with customers and prospects is the key to getting response from your direct mail. The power of the relationship you are able to build guides purchasing. How can you build up your connections?
  • Understand your strengths: What is your direct mail currently really good at? How can you improve on it? Use your strengths to guide your changes.
  • Understand your values: Your direct mail messaging must be in line with your company values and the values you are perceived to have. When they are out of line people do not trust what you are saying. Clearly define your values and communicate them in your direct mail.
  • Understand your brand: How are you currently perceived by customers and prospects? Do you have a strong brand or do you need to work on that? Are you using your brand’s leverage in your direct mail?
  • Understand your story: Your company story needs to humanize your brand and draw people to you. Do you have that story defined?

After you consider the elements above its time to look at technology and how it can enhance your direct mail. Remember that it does not have to be expensive to work, but it does need to be relevant to your customers and prospects.


QR Codes, PURL’s, NFC, Augmented Reality, Video screens, Virtual Reality and others. Evaluate each option to see what would bring a benefit to your prospects and customers. What will help them decide and easily purchase from you?


Depending on which technology you choose you will have different ways to implement it. In some cases you will need to partner with a company to facilitate the technology. Make sure to have a plan in place before contacting others in order to get a proper time and cost estimate.

Design is very important.

Take a look at some of the mail you are getting at home and the office. How do they compare with what you are doing? What stands out to you? Images and color draw attention and set a mood, your messaging should play off of that. Are you doing that effectively? Do you need to change it up? We suggest having people outside your organization look at what you are doing and give you some feedback. You will be surprised by what they say.

Remember to test one change at a time to see if it is working the way you expected it to. We also recommend doing an A/B test so that half your list gets your usual mail and the other half gets the new piece. What are the response differences? What changes will you make next time? Constantly refreshing and updating your direct mail pieces will keep prospects and customers interested in what you are sending. Need help with any of these steps? Contact us today. We are glad to help!